Friday, March 1, 2013

take yoga 30 day challenge tips

Today is Day 1 of take yoga's 30 Day Challenge... take 30 yoga classes in 30 day.

Congratulations!! If you’ve started your 30 day challenge, you might notice that practicing yoga every day is…different. You are placing new demands upon your body and this means you’ll need to give it a little extra care in return. Here are  few suggestions from Leigh Ann Handel, our program director.
 Hydrate! It is very difficult to drink too much water. It’s possible, sure, but it’s tough. For a guideline for yourself, check out: Bear in mind, if you are practicing hot yoga, you will need even more water than this. Make drinking water a part of your challenge.

Nourish. You are what you eat…really! Your body repairs itself using the nutrients you feed it. Would you rather be a potato chip or an carrot?  Nutritional needs vary from person to person, but anyone who is active should be sure to eat plenty of protein and yogis in particular need plenty of fiber and minerals, since we’re always detoxing. Something green, or orange, or yellow, or some other color of natural, unprocessed, fresh fruits, vegetables and grains everyday!
 Align. If you have an alignment question, please ask your teacher. The more you repeat something, the greater its effect on your body.

 Rest. This is different for everyone. Adequate rest could mean 9 hours of sleep per night or 5 hours. It could mean taking child’s pose for half a class or staying a few minutes for seated meditation after class. Choosing to rest is a sign of strength, not weakness.
Have fun, enjoy and pay attention to your body.

 Leigh Ann Handel, Program Director take yoga - glenshaw