Thursday, July 18, 2013

Feelin' Hot Hot Hot

A few days ago, it was in the mid 90s. Yesterday, it was also in the mid 90s. At this very moment it is in fact 90 degrees. 

It's perfect hot yoga weather!

If that sounds crazy to you, well, don't knock it till you try it.

1. Hot yoga in the summer keeps you cool. When we practice in heat, our bodies adapt to the heat. That way, when we are outside at picnics or concerts and our friends are melting, we stay cool. (Trust me, I've heard about this new super-power from a bunch of takeyogis.)

2. Hot yoga helps you look awesome in a bathing suit. Yay! Traditionally, yoga is a path to enlightenment... but it still keeps you looking fit by toning every muscle in the body and promoting healthy digestion.

3. Yoga trains you for summer activities. Many of the injuries I hear about in the summer are from being standard outdoor activities. Whether you're playing sports, gardening, or surfing, your healthy yoga body will help you do it better. 

4. You are already warmed up. We heat the room to make class easier and safer. Warm muscles stretch better. In the winter, you can spend a big portion of class just thawing out from your day. In the summer, you start already thawed and ready to make flexibility gains. 

5. You have a yoga practice. Why stop now? In the summer you probably have more free time, and you certainly have more daylight hours. Treat yourself!

6. You can practice outside! Our Sunday 9:30am class is outside at Hartwood Acres behind the mansion. And, you can go to the One Whirl Yoga Festival next Saturday. We'll be there with a booth. Leigh Ann is teaching "Intro to Forrest Yoga" at 7:30am, and Mike, Becca, and Leigh Ann will be competing at The PA Regional Yoga Championships. Unlimited classes and workshops from 6am-6pm are just $35.

See you on the mat!

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